Newsletter Signup From June 18-22, the National Weather Service placed Ithaca under a heat advisory due to a heatwave. Ithacans were among more than 80 million people living across the Midwest and…
Category: Science
The Future of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Scientific Research
Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, a peer-reviewed journal, published an article titled “Cellular functions of spermatogonial stem cells in relation to JAK/STAT signaling pathway” on Feb. 13. Within a day of…
Cornell ChemE Car Races Ahead in Model Car Competition
Cornell ChemE Car, one of many student-run Cornell Engineering Project Teams, combines equally motivated students of various majors under one common goal — to develop model cars that are powered and stopped…
MULTIMEDIA | Touring the Itai Cohen Lab
Leaderboard 2 MULTIMEDIA/SCIENCE | Graduate student and lab member Japheth Omonira took Sun science editor Laine Havens on a tour of the Itai Cohen lab, a biophysics lab that focuses on matter…
Cornell Professors Share Insight into AI in Veterinary Medicine
Since the introduction of ChatGPT in November, 2022, the term “artificial intelligence” has been thrown around with increasing frequency in everyday speech, particularly on university campuses. AI is a technology that allows…
The Science Behind Arrakis: Understanding the Climate and Ecosystem of Dune
The environment on Arrakis — the desert planet central to Frank Herbert’s epic science fiction series Dune — is not entirely fictional, according to Cornell scientists. Arrakis consists of bone-dry deserts with…
Cornell Professors Underscore Larger Healthcare, Ethical Consequences of Alabama Supreme Court IVF Ruling
The Alabama Supreme Court ruled that embryos produced through in-vitro fertilization are considered children on Feb. 16. IVF is a process of fertilizing eggs with sperm in a laboratory, resulting in an…
How Not to Age, According to Cornell Alumnus and Nutrition Expert Dr. Greger ’95
Some of the consequences of aging can be avoided through intentional positive choices, according to author, physician and speaker Dr. Michael Greger ’95. In his new book, How Not to Age, Greger…
Study Identifies New Predictor of Severe Pediatric Crohn’s Disease
On Feb. 22, the Journal of Clinical Investigations published a study on the discovery of a new predictor of severe pediatric Crohn’s disease. MicroRNAs are small molecules that help regulate gene expression…
Bringing Science to the Streets: The Ithaca Physics Bus
Between the yellow school buses of the Ithaca City School District and the bright blue buses of the TCAT, there are countless colorful buses in Ithaca — but only one is purple….